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더할 나위 없는 행복 영어로


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  • beatitude
  • 더할 나위 없는    fine; crowning
  • 나위    나위 [여지] room; a margin; [필요]
  • 없는    unavailable; away; innocent; inavailable; absent;
  • 행복    행복 [幸福] happiness; welfare; bliss.
  • 더할 나위 없는 것    crowning
  • 더할나위 없는    like clockwork
  • 더할 나위 없이    unerringly; tiptop
  • 더할나위 없이    as well; besides; on top of that; ditto; also; and; in addition; additionally
  • 견줄 나위 없는    unparalleled
  • 의심할 나위 없는    unquestionable
  • 나위    나위 [여지] room; a margin; [필요] necessity. 말할 ~도 없다 be needless to say / be not worth mentioning / faultless / complete / most satisfactory / matchless / superb / left nothing to be desired. 그 비행기의 시설은
  • 행복    행복 [幸福] happiness; welfare; bliss. 인생의 ~ human happiness / happiness of life. 최대 다수의 최대 ~ the greatest happiness of the greatest number. ~의 절정 the seventh heaven. ~의 추구 pursuit[quest] of happiness.
  • 행복 행복    Happiness
  • 간나위    간나위 a cunning[sly] person; an old fox; a sly dog.
  • 시나위    Sinawi
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